Suzy Claridge won the April handicap race ahead of Dan Witt.
Suzy was also the fastest woman and Dan the fastest overall.
After four races, there are already seven runners in the series table, which Dan Witt leads ahead of Graham Dwyer.
With Sunday access to the track just agreed, the next race will be both virtual and actual: any five(ish) miler any time up to 29th May, or Sunday 30 May at 08:30 from the track.
The details are here.
Two Sevenoaks AC athletes contested the Staplehurst "End-of-Year"(!) 10 Mile race on Sunday 25th April.
Laura Andrade finished 70th (4th W35) in 1hr 18mins 28secs, while Lionel Stielow won the M70 category in 1hr 44mins 25secs (173rd overall).
The full results are here.
The next edition of the race is scheduled for 27th December.
Two Sevenoaks AC runners tackled the Podplus Kent Spring Marathon on 11th April, with excellent performances.
Sally Shewell was 1st W60 in 4:11:36, while Mike Lochead was eighth overall and 3rd M40 in 3:09:22.
The full results are here.
John Witton and Russell Crane were SAC's only representatives at Dorney Lake for the Marathon on 3rd April, but they both finished in under three hours.
John was 33rd and 9th M40 in 2:40:11, with Russell 150th in 2:59:01.
The full results are here.