Kent GP
James Graham received this confirmation regarding the races that will be included for the Kent GP next year from Dave Behagg:
Canterbury 10 - 26th Jan
Tunbridge Wells Half – 16th Feb
Dartford Half – 15th Mar (Long Course Champs)
Ted Pepper 10k – 4th May
High Elms 10k – 14th June
Sevenoaks 7 – (date tbc - presumed 12th or 19th July)
Kent Coastal Marathon – (date tbc - presumed 6th Sept)
Larkfield 10k – (date tbc - presumed 13th or 20th Sept) (Short Course Champs)
Sittingbourne 10 – Oct 4th (date not yet posted, but always first Sunday in October)
Tonbridge Half – Oct 11th
With eight of the ten races completed, Sylvia Lewis is SAC's best-placed athlete to win gold in the 2019 Kent AA Road Grand Prix. Sylvia leads the W65 category, while Sally Shewell lies second in the W55s, Lionel Steilow third in the M70s and John Witton fourth in the M40s. In the overall competition, Andrew Milne is twelfth male, with John Witton not far behind in 14th, while Heather Fitzmaurice is our leading female in 18th.
In the team competition, the SAC men are 5th and the women 9th.
Sevenoaks AC runners have already won medals in the competition with four veterans securing bronzes in their categories at the long-course championship at Paddock Wood in April: Sylvia in the W65s, Sally in the W55s, Mary Bridges in the W35s and Lionel in the M70s. The short-course championship is the next GP race which is at Larkfield on 15th September.
The spreadsheet for the first eight races is here.
Here is the latest update for the Kent GP, writes James Graham.
Sally Shewell and John Witton are both doing well, and the men's team currently is in 4th place.
The next GP race is the Dartford 10k on 26th August.
The final results for the 2018 Kent Road Running Grand Prix have been announced following the tenth and last event, the Tonbridge Half Marathon on 7th October. The results show Sevenoaks AC's men's team in fifth place, with points contributed by twenty-four different runners. John Witton chalked up the most points for SAC, and finished eighth overall in the series. John was also fifth M40, despite his first two races not counting in the age category. James Graham was our highest men's age-group performer as fourth M60.
SAC were also twelfth in the women's rankings, with Sally Shewell the leader of our five scorers in that event in eighteenth place. The results also confirm Sally's brilliant W55 victory in the 2018 Grand Prix after a fine season's racing. Congratulations also to Sylvia Lewis who was fourth W65.
The Canterbury 10 on 27th January is the first fixture to be confirmed for next year's Kent GP, with the other races to be notified in early November. Information will be here. The final spreadsheet is here.
Sally Shewell lies second in the Kent Grand Prix W55 category with nine of ten races run and just the Tonbridge Half on 7th October to go. Sally is also the leading SAC woman overall in 18th place. In the other women's categories, Sylvia Lewis is 7th in the W65s and Heather Fitzmaurice 11th in the W45s. The Sevenoaks AC women's team is 12th.
In the men's section, John Witton is our leading performer in 12th overall and is also sixth M40. In the other veteran men's categories our leaders are Keith Dowson 5th M50, James Graham 4th M60 and John Denyer 6th M70. The men's team is also doing very well in sixth place in the series.
The latest Kent GP 2018 spreadsheet, which also contains the titles for the short course championsips run in conjunction with the Larkfield 10k on 16th September, is here.