Time GP score
1 Steve Kenyon Gloucester AC 01:15:36  
283 Erik Folkesson 01:56:32 58.5
HARVEL 5 08/04/18
    Time GP score
1 Thomas Wright Bexley AC 27.35  
102 Jane Morgan 39.09 63.6
239 Lionel Stielow 45.19 62.9
554 Ron Denney 58.25 60.0
739 Finished    
BUSHY PARK 5k 09/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Jonathan Cornish Hercules Wimb 15.41  
939 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 31.57 74.7
1266 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 5k 09/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Tom Carpenter Vegan Rnrs 15.57  
135 Adam Westbrooke 26.24 54.2
420 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Nick Fitzgerald RTW Rnrs 18.54  
264 Dan Witt 39.18 35.6
278 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 09/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Alex Cameron Dart Har 17.02  
29 Heather Fitzmaurice 21.33 75
45 Suzy Claridge 22.51 68.8
63 Geoffrey Kitchener 23.58 71.4
91 Jim Fitzmaurice 25.49 73.9
256 Finished    
NORTH BEACH PARK 5k 09/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Simphiue Zulu 15.15  
554 Mike McCarthy 30.47 49.1
2273 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Zachary Starkey UA 19.04  
39 Colin Tester 24.53 60.7
160 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 09/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Dan Schofield Ton AC 16.57  
32 Ted Scott 21.13 74.6
38 Marion Van Lille 21.31 68.8
40 Graham Dwyer 21.41 66.0
61 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 23.01 61.8
114 Neil Haggertay 25.06 61.6
135 Sally Shewell 25.41 71.3
136 Lionel Stielow 25.41 67.3
148 Michael D Allen 26.01 53.0
150 Keith Brown 26.05 54.9
162 Silvia Forcat 26.22 58.2
186 Sean Leith 26.52 53.3
213 Anna Humphrey-Taylor 27.20 59.2
399 Alzbeta Benn 34.45 43.1
551 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Ang Pieris Northampton RR 18.29  
5 Andrew Milne 21.03 63
6 Chris Desmond 21.19 71.9
59 Annabelle Milne 35.09 42.7
68 Bryan Wolfe 40.49 49.7
71 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Lewis Avery UA 18.28  
95 Ron Denney 32.35 65.2
115 Finished    
    Time GP score
  Mike McCarthy 09:24:26 63.1
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 16/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Graeme Lugar Orpington RR 18.53  
21 Heather Fitzmaurice 21.36 74.9
103 Jim Fitzmaurice 27.34 69.2
292 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 16/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Stuart Brown Ton AC 16.14  
16 Dan Witt 19.43 71.0
17 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 19.44 72.0
122 Sean Leith 24.05 59.5
142 Michael D Allen 24.39 56.0
152 Neil Haggertay 24.56 62.0
162 Sally Shewell 25.12 72.7
214 Lionel Stielow 26.3 65.2
619 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Darius Sarshar 19.57 72.9
13 Suzy Claridge 24.15 64.8
72 Finished    
MALLING PARK 5k 16/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Noel Lyons Larkfield AC 18.38  
43 Rob Carr 24.35 60.0
177 Bryan Wolfe 37.34 54.0
193 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Duncan Platt Wilmington Trail 18.51  
10 Ted Scott 21.06 75.0
124 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 37.34 63.5
129 Finished    
BETHLEHEM PARK 5k 16/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Ian Cilliers 20.04  
5 Mike McCarthy 22.56 65.8
67 Finished    
GREENWICH PARK 5k 23/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Matthew Preston Camb Har 18.01  
238 Bryan Wolfe 35.53 56.5
262 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Thomas Price TW Har 18.57  
5 Dan Witt 20.09 69.5
254 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 23/06/18
    Time GP score
1 James Taylor Ton AC 17.02  
3 Allan Lee 17.15 82.4
42 Graham Dwyer 21.17 67.3
81 Matthew Walker 23.09 59.3
106 Sean Leith 24.00 59.7
125 Neil Haggertay 24.27 63.2
131 Michael D Allen 24.40 56.0
164 Keith Brown 25.36 55.9
167 Lionel Stielow 25.38 67.4
197 Adam Westbrooke 26.21 54.3
219 Rob Peers 26.54 56.1
555 Finished    
DARTFORD PARK 5k 23/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Anthony Durey Central Park Ath 19.03  
137 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 34.16 69.6
195 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Stephen Hodges Camb Har 18.17  
58 Sylvia Lewis 34.27 57.3
75 Finished    
HARWICH PARK 5k 23/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Graeme Knott Harwich R 17.59  
49 Colin Tester 26.26 57.1
117 Finished    
MALLING PARK 5k 23/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Tom Carpenter Vegan Rnrs 16.27  
20 Suzy Claridge 21.5 72.0
50 Rob Carr 26.02 56.7
136 Ron Denney 34.14 62.1
147 Julie Carr 36.18 44.1
180 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Stephen Turpie 01:26:51  
31 Richard Thomas 02:14:54 53.4
50 Finished    
NORTH DOWNS 30k 24/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Richard McDowell Hercules Wimb 01:52:40  
21 John Witton 02:15:04 64.8
38 Matthew Walker 02:22:41 61.4
50 Andy Ashlee 02:27:06 64.1
63 Andrew Milne 02:30:44 56.8
73 Heather Fitzmaurice 02:33:15 68.1
79 Dan Witt 02:34:54 57.8
161 James Nash 02:53:36 49.1
298 Sally Shewell 03:20:22 59.9
342 Jenny Austin 03:28:09 47.0
407 Jim Fitzmaurice 03:48:42 54.7
531 Finished    
SERPENTINE 5k 29/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Jamie Taylor-Caldwell ESM 15.27  
186 Duncan Warwick-Champion 24.24 62.4
243 Finished    
BEXLEY PARK 5k 30/06/18
    Time GP score
1 James MacDonald Camb Har 17.36  
17 Mike McCarthy 20.52 72.4
522 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Jonny Forsyth UA 19.28  
12 Dan Witt 21.25 65.4
241 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Heath Anthony UA 19.28  
56 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 35.21 67.5
76 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 30/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Mark Ashcroft Orpington RR 18.09  
15 Heather Fitzmaurice 21.38 74.7
236 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 30/06/18
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Bradley Ton AC 17.37  
14 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 19.51 71.6
25 James Nash 21.00 61.8
95 Sean Leith 24.12 59.2
101 Neil Haggertay 24.20 63.5
108 Michael D Allen 24.28 56.4
112 Sally Shewell 24.33 74.6
118 Neil Pearce 24.40 58.0
412 Ron Denney 34.08 63.9
485 Caroline Fenwick 52.20 29.0
487 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Charlie Lindsay UA 19.53  
3 Andrew Milne 20.32 64.6
6 Alex Hofman 22.02 63.5
8 Suzy Claridge 23.32 66.8
44 Sylvia Lewis 34.25 57.3
59 Bryan Wolfe 47.52 42.3
    Time GP score
1 Alistair McDonnell Rugby AC 01:13:10  
87 James Graham 01:34:07 79.6
1001 Finished    
    Time GP score
  Richard Thomas 02:26:10 49.3
BEWL 15 01/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Max Dumbrell Brighton Phoenix 01:31:15  
41 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 01:55:47 62.4
114 Dan Witt 02:07:26 55.7
134 Marion Van Lille 02:10:53 57.5
169 Andrew Hutchinson 02:13:59 51.2
524 Lionel Stielow 02:53:44 51.9
743 Finished    
BUSHY PARK 5k 07/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Jonathan Cornish Hercules Wimb 15.29  
855 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 33.51 70.5
1091 Finished    
BROMLEY PARK 5k 07/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Pink UA 17.13  
13 Dan Witt 19.25 72.1
52 Graham Dwyer 21.04 68.0
290 Jim Knight 27.22 61.9
668 Finished    
IPSWICH PARK 5k 07/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Paul Wain Ipswich AC 18.07  
90 Colin Tester 26.00 58.1
264 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 07/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Paul Fanti UA 18.55  
21 Heather Fitzmaurice 22.54 70.6
186 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 07/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Allan Lee 16.39 85.4
13 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 19.20 73.5
47 James Wright 21.33 68.5
101 Michael D Allen 23.57 57.6
125 Sally Shewell 24.20 75.3
140 Sean Leith 25.01 57.2
190 Lionel Stielow 26.27 65.3
272 Anna Humphrey-Taylor 28.35 56.6
297 Neil Haggertay 29.27 52.5
484 Finished    
DARTFORD PARK 5k 07/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Ryan Gibbons Kent AC 18.34  
107 Ron Denney 36.03 60.5
147 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Fintan Kavanagh UA 19.37  
21 Tony Horlock 25.43 60.6
49 Sylvia Lewis 34.59 56.4
60 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Luke Evans Bristol & West AC 15.46  
28 Suzy Claridge 21.59 71.5
343 Finished    
MALLING PARK 5k 07/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Tom Carpenter Vegan Rnrs 16.49  
55 Rob Carr 26.06 56.5
61 Adam Westbrooke 26.37 53.8
132 Julie Carr 35.37 45.4
160 Finished    
IPSWICH PARK 5k 14/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Andrew Hennessy Wells City Har 17.4  
106 Colin Tester 26.46 56.4
263 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 14/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Mark Ashcroft Orpington RR 19.08  
21 Suzy Claridge 22.34 69.7
185 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 14/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Julian Rendall Ton AC 17.01  
29 David Lobley 20.58 72.0
31 Graham Dwyer 21.00 68.2
89 Neil Pearce 23.39 60.5
95 Michael D Allen 23.45 58.1
115 Sally Shewell 24.22 75.2
165 Lionel Stielow 26.12 66.0
190 Martin White 26.46 55.1
210 Julie Lobley 27.11 62.8
268 Rob Peers 28.37 52.8
382 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 32.43 72.9
491 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Graham Sutherland Clapham Ch 19.43  
52 Sylvia Lewis 34.37 57.0
77 Finished    
MALLING PARK 5k 14/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Nathan Chapman Runfit 17.04  
57 Neil Haggertay 25.53 59.7
156 Julie Carr 34.32 42.7
157 Rob Carr 34.34 42.7
210 Finished    
MELKSHAM PARK 5k 14/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Simon Gilbert Devizes RC 17.22  
78 Ron Denney 33.07 65.8
124 Finished    
RACE TO THE STONES, 100k 14/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Geoffrey Cheshire 08:36:10  
110 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 13:16:23 47.8
SEVENOAKS 7 15/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Pink UA 41.44  
3 James Mason 44.12 69.1
13 Andrew Milne 44.12 63.3
15 Lee Lintern 48.12 63.7
20 Anderw Hutchinson 49.09 63.0
24 Dan Witt 49.54 64.4
28 Michael Lochead 50.45 60.7
30 Heather Fitzmaurice 57.52 74.2
32 James Graham 51.26 75.8
62 John Denyer 57.36 71.1
63 Simon Hallpike 57.52 67.3
66 Simon Rowe 58.04 58.4
95 Paul Smith 61.40 58.1
125 Neil Haggertay 65.48 54.5
144 Jenny Austin 68.35 51.8
151 Lionel Stielow 69.52 58.0
169 Jim Fitzmaurice 72.42 61.5
175 Adam Westbrooke 73.40 44.7
195 Maria Ashlee 78.15 47.8
217 Menaka Sumanasen 84.07 40.3
IPSWICH PARK 5k 21/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Andrew Hennessy Wells City Har 16.59  
116 Colin Tester 27.23 55.1
307 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 21/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Graeme Lugar Orpington RR 18.57  
24 Heather Fitzmaurice 23.57 67.5
179 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 21/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Fraser Gordon Ton AC 16.47  
14 Keith Brown 19.56 71.8
76 Neil Pearce 23.48 60.2
154 Lionel Stielow 26.16 65.8
181 Rob Johnson 27.02 48.6
206 Adam Westbrooke 27.32 52.0
536 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 James Taylor Ton AC 17.37  
18 Tony Horlock 24.59 62.4
26 Sean Leith 27.44 51.6
43 Sylvia Lewis 34.06 57.9
56 Finished    
MALLING PARK 5k 21/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Don Green Ashford RC 18.55  
63 Neil Haggertay 25.2 61.0
194 Julie Carr 34.34 46.8
195 Rob Carr 34.35 42.7
228 Bryan Wolfe 38.47 52.3
256 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Christopher Peck Waverley Har 17.31  
11 Alex Hofman 21.52 64.0
82 Caroline Fenwick 30.06 50.4
152 Finished    
CATFORD PARK 5k 21/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Martin Hunt 18.01  
134 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 33.46 70.6
167 Finished    
MIDZOMERAVOND MARATHON, Diever, Netherlands 21/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Mattias Ekman 03:18:26  
9 Mike McCarthy 03:44:20 62.8
DEAL DINOSAUR 10k 22/07/18
    Time GP score
1 Charlie Brisley IEK 34.17  
11 John Witton 38.20 72.3
53 Dan Witt 43.22 65.4
184 Sally Shewell 52.47 72.7
235 Lionel Stielow 56.39 63.1
402 Finished    
SCVAC VETS LEAGUE Div 2, Bromley 15/06/18
  200m Time GP score
6th M35A Graham Dwyer 30.80 70.7
5th M35B Neil Haggertay 34.30 68.1
6th M50 Duncan Cochrane 35.00 69.0
4th M60 Geoffrey Kitchener 77.90  
5th M35A Graham Dwyer 05:40.90 66.9
5th M35B Neil Haggertay 06:36.00 62.4
1st M50 Darrell Smith 04:37.40 85.5
  2000m Walk    
3rd M50 Geoffrey Kitchener 13:14.40  
  High Jump    
2nd M60 Geoffrey Kitchener 1.05m 65.2
  Shot Putt    
4th M50 Duncan Cochrane 6.26m 35.4
6th M35A Graham Dwyer 15.43m 19.6
6th M50 Duncan Cochrane 13.44m 20.6
3rd M60 David Simpson 15.33m 34.4
SCVAC VETS LEAGUE Div 2, Dartford 02/07/18
  400m Time GP score
6th M35A Graham Dwyer 65.9 73.1
5th M35B Colin Tester 79.6 63.5
6th M50 Duncan Cochrane 78.2 68.0
3rd F35A Alzbeta Benn 105.5 48.1
3rd F50 Sylvia Lewis 118.2 56.4
NS Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 127.4 64.4
4th M35A Dan Witt 11:36.40 68.4
4th M35B Graham Dwyer 12:11.70 66.6
5th M50 Chris Desmond 11:35.00 75.4
3rd M60 John Denyer 12:54.40 77.6
3rd F35A Alzbeta Benn 17:06.50 50.1
1st F60 Sylvia Lewis 18:00.20 67.3
5th M50 Duncan Cochrane 12.40m 20.6
5th M60 Ron Denney 7.43m 20.8
4thy F50 Sylvia Lewis 3.53m 7.9
  4x400m Relay    
4th Cochrane, Tester, Witt, Dwyer 05:08.40  
SCVAC VETS LEAGUE Div 2, Gillingham 16/07/18
  100m Time GP score
5th M35A Andy Simpson 14.20  
5th M35B Colin Tester 15.90 70.4
6th M50 Geoffrey Kitchener 15.43m 79.7
4th W35A Alzbeta Benn 20.10 52.7
4th W50 Sylvia Lewis 25.70 55.2
NS Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 22.70 68.3
4th M35A Dan Witt 02:57.30 70.0
3rd M35B Graham Dwyer 2.36.2 76.9
4th M50 Colin Tester 02:59.80 66.3
1st M60 Duncan Cochrane 02:54.30 73.0
4thW35A Alzbeta Benn 03:48.10 49.7
2nd W60 Sylvia Lewis 04:17.10 62.7
  Long Jump    
6thM35 Graham Dwyer 3.24m 43.2
6th M50 Geoffrey Kitchener 2.73m 49.9
4th M60 Duncan Cochrane 2.94m  
NS Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1.83m 48.2
6th M35A Duncan Cochrane 14.56m 22.5
6th M50 Ron Denney 12.39m 34.2
4th W35A Alzbeta Benn 9.88m 13.6
2nd W60 Sylvia Lewis 8.29m 19.3
  4 x 200m Relay    
4th M35A Tester, Dwyer,Cochrane, Kitchener 02:09.80  


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