TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 11/04/15
    Time GP score
7 Keith Brown 1st M40 19.22 72.3
14 Tony Horlock 1st M50 20.08 75.6
28 Rob Johnson 2nd M25 22.19 58.3
45 Martin White 24.02 60.0
51 Rob Carr 24.17 59.4
172 Sylvia Lewis 1st F60 30.48 61.7
173 Ron Denney 1st M75 30.52 64.3
183 Samantha Znetynisk 31.27 48.2
260 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 11/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Steven Groom Camb Har 17.47  
59 Jim Fitzmaurice 1st M70 28.04 64.7
108 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Marco Arcuri B & B 18.45  
23 Suzy Claridge 23.47 64.6
54 Clair Thornton 27.11 55.8
62 Maria Ashlee 28.31 54.7
102 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 34.48 62.7
111 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Duncan Maiyo 02:10:15  
107 Joe Parsons 03:00:48 68.0
355 Tex Ryan 03:16:12 62.7
750 John Stevens 03:29:30 67.3
    Time GP score
17 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 53.03 67.8
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 18/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Berry UA 19.02  
18 Tony Waldron 3rd M45 22.36 64.3
79 Ron Denney 1st M75 30.18 65.5
132 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 18/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Richard Phillips Serpentine RC 16.11  
23 John O'Callaghan 2nd M30 21.11 61.5
27 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 21.57 63.4
68 Sally Shewell 1st F55 24.34 71.1
111 Lyndon Collins 2nd M65 26.22 63.2
334 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 David Hall Dartford Har 19.15  
30 Sylvia Lewis 1st F60 32.47 58.0
34 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 34.5 62.6
36 Finished    
DARENT VALLEY 10k 19/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Terry Reeves Dartford RR 35.33  
12 David Lee 37.23 72.4
54 James Graham 1st M60 41.03 80.7
108 Tony Horlock 44.03 70.6
132 Pauline Dalton 45.25 75.5
140 Geoff Vine 45.54 76.4
148 Darrell Smith 46.4 63,3
157 Duncan Cochrane 46.48 68.2
185 Duncan Warwick-Champion 47.47 62.9
197 Steve Nicholson 48.33 59.4
262 Jane Morgan 50.41 60.7
284 Clair Thornton 51.21 60.8
327 Happy Fisher 53.02 58.3
329 Sally Shewell 53.12 68.5
382 Jim Fitzmaurice 56.05 67.0
423 Tony Ostlere 57.21 57.7
492 Maria Ashlee 61.18 52.5
623 Finished    
SERPENTINE 5k 24/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Tom Aldred Lon Heathside 15.17  
76 Marc Thatcher 20.16 68.6
94 Pauline Dalton 1st F50 21.08 78.2
121 Duncan Warwick-Champion 22.1 66.6
256 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 2nd M80 30.57 70.4
270 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 25/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Andrerw Moreton Elmbridge RRC 18.55  
15 Tony Waldron 2nd M45 21.53 66.4
60 Jim Fitzmaurice 1st M70 26.57 67.4
143 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 25/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Stuart Brown Ton AC 17.32  
7 Keith Brown 1st M40 19.27 72.0
20 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 3rd M40 22.03 63.1
22 David Lobley 22.16 65.8
26 Rob Johnson 3rd M25 22.37 57.5
29 Suzy Claridge 22.53 67.1
53 Martin White 24.11 59.6
54 Lyndon Collins 1st M65 24.12 68.8
66 Clair Thornton 24.57 60.8
77 Lionel Stielow 3rd M65 25.21 66.3
83 Happy Fisher 2nd F35 25.49 58.5
152 Tony Ostlere 29.13 55.1
173 Ron Denney 1st M75 30.14 65.4
253 Lesley Knight 36.04 54.0
297 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 5k 25/04/15
    Time GP score
1 George Duggan Tonbridge AC 15.46  
8 Joe Parsons 1st M20 19.17 67.3
23 John Wallace 2nd M40 21.1 65.7
345 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Ian Harvey UA 19.21  
5 James Graham 1st M60 19.52 81.0
184 Finished    
    Time GP score
2 Chris Desmond 1st M50 20.32 73.0
16 Maria Ashlee 2nd F40 28.04 55.5
25 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 36.45 59.3
28 Finished    
    Time GP score
851 Keith Dowson 02:51:04 81.6
1101 James Beeston 02:54:26 74.8
3404 John Stevens 03:13:20 72.9
13612 Jane Morgan 03:58:56 57.5
25116 Steve Nicholson 04:43:28 46.4
34741 Maryanne Aitkin 05:50:59 45.0
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Chan Barnsley AC 02:34:37  
229 Sally Shewell 2nd F55 04:07:03 66.5
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 02/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Jonathan Blackburn UA 18.35  
11 Tony Waldron 2nd M45 21.24 67.9
144 Heather Fitzmaurice 38.11 41.2
152 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 02/05/15
    Time GP score
1 William Hobbs UA 17.47  
5 Joe Parsons 1st M20 19.27 66.8
9 Tex Ryan 1st M25 19.56 65.1
28 Rob Jojnson 1st M30 22.09 58.8
48 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 23.15 59.8
53 Lyndon Collins 1st M65 23.31 70.8
62 Martin White 24.01 60.1
84 Lionel Stielow 3rd M65 24.46 67.8
106 Clair Thornton 2nd F40 25.3 59.5
120 Sally Shewell 1st F55 25.59 67.3
191 Tony Ostlere 29.21 54.9
204 Ron Denney 1st M75 30.14 65.6
305 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 5k 02/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Niall Stewart UA 17.23  
38 John Wallace 21.49 63.7
375 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Charlie Lindsay UA 18.26  
4 Chris Desmond 1st M50 19.55 75.2
9 Suzy Claridge 1st F40 22.59 66.8
31 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 35.39 61.2
WHITSTABLE 10k 04/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Andrew Pickett Dartford Har 34.29  
29 John O'Callaghan 42.28 62.9
55 Pauline Dalton 2nd F45 44.07 77.7
57 Suzy Claridge 3rd F35 44.08 71.7
59 Peter Ash 44.19 65.1
60 Geoff Vine 2nd M60 44.29 78.8
103 Duncan Warwick-Champion 46.59 63.9
154 Kim Pegg 49.13 61.7
172 Sam Znetyniak 50.02 62.4
183 Martin White 50.57 57.5
197 Clair Thornton 51.31 60.6
211 Sally Shewell 52.25 69.5
344 Peter Dillon 1st M70 57.24 63.0
352 Jenny Austin 57.38 53.6
373 Debbie Mosley 58.24 52.7
424 Ron Denney 2nd M70 60.18 68.0
650 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Bradley Ton AC 25.53  
31 Rob Johnson 36.03 59.2
44 Lyndon Collins 38.04 76.1
61 Lionel Stielow 42.3 65.1
91 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Maria Heslop Paddock Wood 01:02:39  
3 Keith Brown 01:03:06 73.6
5 Chris Desmond 01:04:28 77.7
25 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 01:19:05 58.3
34 Simon Lewis 01:27:17 60.0
45 Finished    
TED PEPPER 10k 04/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Peter Tucker B&B 35.28  
168 Jim Fitzmaurice 54.31 68.9
249 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 09/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Chris Desmond 19.17 77.7
13 Alistair Love 2nd M30 21.51 59.6
72 Jim Fitzmaurice 1st M70 26.52 67.7
143 Heather Fitzmaurice 38.11 41.2
152 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 09/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Matthew Harvey Tonbridge AC 18.50  
4 Keith Brown 2nd M40 19.43 71.0
13 Marco Mion 2nd M30 20.47 63.0
14 John O'Callaghan 3rd M30 21.00 62.2
21 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 21.55 63.5
287 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 5k 09/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Callum Brooks M&M 18.25  
44 Joe Parsons 1st M20 23.02 56.4
340 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Paul Jones Istead & Ifield 17.46  
15 James Graham 1st M60 21.00 76.7
184 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Robert Jackaman Camb Har 18.55  
41 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 35.22 61.7
43 Maria Ashlee 1st F40 36.16 43.0
46 Finished    
LARKFIELD 10k 10/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Rob Jackaman Camb Har 32.50  
26 Chris Desmond 2nd M50 38.04 80.3
36 James Graham 1st M60 38.55 85.1
39 Joe Parsons 39.13 68.1
43 Dan Witt 39.22 70.4
57 John Stevens 40.17 77.2
69 Tex Ryan 40.50 65.4
125 Pauline Dalton 43.42 78.4
129 Geoff Vine 44.08 79.4
165 Simon Hallpike 45.47 73.0
172 Duncan Cochrane 45.57 70.4
216 Duncan Warwick-Champion 48.07 62.4
218 Sally Shewell 3rd F55 48.11 75.6
229 Kim Pegg 48.42 62.4
237 Martin White 49.38 59.0
263 Lionel Stielow 51.15 67.7
321 Maria Ashlee 55.52 57.6
322 Tony Ostlere 56.09 59.0
447 Finished    
    Time GP score
12 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 51.12 70.3
BROMLEY PARK 5k 16/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Roger Vilardell UA 17.10  
69 John Wallace 21.10 65.7
532 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 16/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Kayvan Karimi UA 18.12  
16 Tony Waldron 3rd M45 21.28 67.7
19 Heather Fitzmaurice 1st F45 21.5 72.0
73 Jim Fitzmaurice 1st M70 27.16 66.6
141 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 16/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Bradley Ton AC 16.39  
5 Joe Parsons 1st M20 19.20 67.2
6 Tex Ryan 2nd M25 19.29 66.6
25 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 21.51 63.6
52 Rob Johnson 3rd M30 23.13 56.1
83 Lionel Stielow 2nd M65 24.57 67.3
93 Sally Shewell 1st F55 25.16 69.2
106 Clair Thornton 3rd F40 25.47 58.8
157 Tony Ostlere 2nd M60 27.49 62.4
185 Ron Denney 1st M75 29.27 67.3
333 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Melanie Burdett Beckenham RC 23.29  
2 Suzy Claridge 2nd F40 23.36 65.1
40 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 34.46 62.7
50 Finished    
BROMLEY PARK 5k 23/05/15
    Time GP score
14 Marco Mion 1st M30 19.00 68.9
526 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 23/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Paul Boddey Eton Manor AC 18.01  
20 Suzy Claridge 1st F40 21.24 71.8
93 Jim Fitzmaurice 1st M70 27.03 67.2
182 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 23/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Bradley Ton AC 16.07  
17 David Lobley 2nd M50 20.31 71.9
45 Rob Johnson 2nd M30 22.17 58.4
65 Lyndon Collins 1st M65 23.16 71.6
79 Sally Shewell 1st F55 24.16 72
96 Lionel Stielow 2nd M65 25.03 67.1
199 Ron Denney 1st M75 29.11 68
343 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 James Taylor Ton AC 16.50  
57 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 34.24 63.4
69 Finished    
SERPENTINE 5k 29/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Bentley-Gouldstone 16.13  
95 Pauline Dalton 1st F50 21.04 78.4
97 Geoff Vine 2nd M65 21.09 80.1
125 Duncan Warwick-Champion 22.21 66.0
238 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 31.07 70.1
246 Finished    
BROMLEY PARK 5k 30/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Alex Money UA 16.27  
57 Suzy Claridge 1st F40 20.4 74.3
61 John Wallace 20.56 66.4
534 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 30/05/15
    Time GP score
1 Ben Cockburn B&B 17.33  
13 Heather Fitzmaurice 1st F45 21.22 73.5
88 Jim Fitzmaurice 1st M70 29.12 62.2
105 Ron Denney 1st M75 30.46 64.5
108 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 30/05/15
    Time GP score
1 James Puxty Ton AC 17.12  
21 Nick Humphrey-Taylor 21.06 65.9
33 Rob Johnson 1st M30 22.16 58.5
48 Lyndon Collins 1st M65 23.12 71.8
77 Sally Shewell 1st F55 24.59 69.9
137 Tony Ostlere 27.49 57.9
145 Rob Carr 28.17 51.0
274 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Charlie Lindsay UA 18.41  
4 Chris Desmond 1st M50 19.42 76
8 Joe Parsons 2nd M20 21.07 61.5
41 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 38.47 56.2
    Time GP score
16 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 48.27 74.3
SCVAC League Division 2, Norman Park 01/05/15
  3000m Time GP score
1st M60 James Graham 11.18.5 81.4
4th M50 David Simpson 6.11m 13.2
SCVAC League Division 2, Sutcliffe Park 11/05/15
  200m Time GP score
2nd M35A Paul English 25.9 82.9
3rd M35B Martin White 27.8 78.9
3rd M50 Geoffrey Kitchener 30.8 80.5
5th M35A David Lobley 05:16.60 74.3
4th M35B Duncan Cochrane 05:39.70 74.0
4th M50 Geoff Vine 06:01.00 75.5
1st M60 James Graham 05:26.20 79.1
NS Maurice Marchant 06:30.50 69.2
  High Jump    
3rd M35B David Lobley 1.25m 62.5
3rd M50 Geoffrey Kitchener 1.25m 74.5
  Shot Putt    
2nd M35 Paul English 9.15m 43.3
3rd M50 Duncan Cochrane 5.55m 32.7
5th M60 David Simpson 5.49m 35.7
4th M35 Geoff Vine 9.88m 17.3
4th M50 David Simpson 18.47m 39.1
  4x 100m Relay    
3rd English, White, Kitchener, Lobley 56.7  
SCVAC Champs, Ashford 30/05/15
  100m Time GP score
1st M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 14.85 81.2
1st M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 23.47 66.1
1st M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 57.59 77.8
  Triple Jump    
1st M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 6.81m 56.5
SCVAC League Division 2, Canterbury 01/06/15
  100m Time GP score
3rd M35A Martin White 13.8 78.0
3rd M35B Rob Carr 19.6 54.9
3rd M50 David Lobley 16.7 65.7
2nd M60 Geoffrey Kitchener 15.2 79.4
4th M35A Martin White 02:50.10 66.6
3rd M35B Rob Carr 02:52.10 65.8
2nd M50 Duncan Cochrane 02:46.90 74.4
  Long Jump    
3rd M35 Rob Carr 3.03m 40.9
3rd M50 Duncan Cochrane 3.18m 49.7
4th M35 Rob Carr 11.14m 16.4
4th M50 Duncan Cochrane 12.95m 20.7
5th M60 Geoffrey Kitchener 13.24m 22.4


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