SERPENTINE 5k 30/01/15
    Time GP score
1 Malcolm Muir Ilford AC 16.13  
254 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 30.28 71.6
265 Finished    
CARISLE PARK 5k 07/02/15
    Time GP score
1 Richard Anderson Holmfirth Har 17.21  
56 Peter Ash 23.48 59.7
59 Kim Pegg 3rd F30 23.53 61.9
208 Finished    
BROMLEY PARK 5k 14/92/15
    Time GP score
1 Roger Vilardell UA 17.47  
228 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 30.41 71.1
301 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 14/02/15
    Time GP score
1 Tim Faes Ton AC 16.51  
22 Ted Scott 2nd M55 22.03 70.1
49 Rob Johnson 3rd M25 24.15 53.6
52 Sally Shewell 1st F55 24.37 71
69 Martin White 25.45 56
137 Alzbeta Benn 29.49 49.6
146 Tony Ostlere 30.16 53.2
152 Ron Denney 1stv M75 30.33 64.9
226 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 14/02/15
    Time GP score
1 John Benjamin UA 18.29  
11 Tony Waldron 2nd M45 22.03 65.4
46 Clair Thornton 2nd M40 27.01 56.2
125 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 5k 14/02/15
    Time GP score
1 Tom Carpenter Maidstone Har 17.16  
11 James Graham 1st M60 19.51 81.1
277 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Steve Hobbs Canterbury Har 18.05  
21 Peter Ash 21.59 64.7
49 Kim Pegg 3rd F30 23.42 62.4
183 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 21/02/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Berry UA 19.31  
73 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 34.03 64.0
91 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 21/02/15
    Time GP score
1 William Hobb UA 18.01  
13 Ted Scott 1st M55 21.46 71.0
23 Rob Johnson 2nd M25 22.59 56.6
56 Clair Thornton 2nd F40 25.48 58.8
61 Sally Shewell 1st F55 26.04 67.0
74 Jenny Austin 2nd F35 27.36 54.2
184 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Ben Watts Royal End RC 19.13  
8 James Graham 1st M60 20.48 77.4
150 Finished    
    Time GP score
1` Daniel Bradley Ton AC 01:12:56  
7 James Mason 01:16:14 76.6
48 Chris Desmond 3rd M50 01:25:38 77.4
51 Keith Brown 2nd M40 01:25:45 71.6
76 Joe Parsons 01:27:33 66.7
87 Dan Witt 01:28:17 68.0
91 John Stevens 01:28:15 75.8
129 Tex Ryan 01:30:51 64.3
144 James McGuigan 01:32:17 63.6
599 Steve Nicholson 01:47:46 57.9
627 Anton Mauve 01:48:30 59.0
670 Sally Shewell 01:49:21 72.1
889 Jane Morgan 01:55:30 57.5
1382 Lynette Van Der Berg 02:14:12 49.1
1399 Sylvia Lewis 02:15:19 64.0
1565 Finished    
SERPENTINE 5k 27/02/15
    Time GP score
1 Christopher Olley Ton AC 15.29  
125 Marc Thatcher 21.02 65.6
137 Pauline Dalton 2nd F50 21.23 77.3
165 Duncan Warwick-Champion 22.19 66.1
282 Finished    
BROMLEY PARK 5k 28/02/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Selman DSRA 18.21  
97 Simon Rowe 23.08 61.9
356 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 28/02/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Berry UA 19.38  
4 Chris Desmond 1st M50 20.17 73.9
31 Clair Thornton 1st F40 26.37 57.0
86 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 36.41 59.4
101 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 28/02/15
    Time GP score
1 James Puxty Ton AC 17.38  
16 John Denyer 1st M65 21.13 79.2
37 Rob Johnson 3rd M25 23.23 55.6
157 Ron Denney 1stv M75 30.51 64.3
243 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 5k 28?02/15
    Time GP score
1 Joe Parsons 18.45 69.2
311 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Paul Jones Istead & Ifield Har 18.25  
7 James Graham 1st M60 20.37 78.1
144 Finished    
SELF TRANSCENDENCE 10, Battersea Park 28/02/15
    Time GP score
1 Marlin Dematteis UA 51.40  
47 Marco Mion 67.16 65.4
156 Finished    
THANET 20 01/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Tom Collins Medway & Maid. 01:58:05  
46 Chrisw Desmond 02:28:17 70.4
181 Sally Shewell 03:04:31 66.6
261 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 07/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Ben Cockburn B&B 17.08  
11 Tony Waldron 3rd M45 22.00 66.1
87 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 33.11 65.7
116 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 07/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Bradley Ton AC 17.13  
19 Tony Horlock 3rd M50 21.14 71.7
22 Ted Scott 3rd M55 21.41 70.7
39 Rob Johnson 3rd M25 23.07 56.2
72 Clair Thornton 3rd F40 24.53 61.0
156 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 5k 07/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Tom Carpenter Maidstone Har 17.12  
25 Joe Parsons 2nd M20 19.48 65.6
26 Tex Ryan 19.52 65.4
356 Finished    
LYDD 20 08/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Greg Cole Ton AC 01:58:33  
23 Joe Parsons 02:17:13 67.0
82 Tex Ryan 02:33:32 59.9
397 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 10k 08/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Calvin Mullings    
7 James Graham 1st M60 40.14 82.3
470 Finished    
BROMLEY PARK 5k 14/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Phil Sesemann B&B 15.25  
58 Ted Scott 21.22 72.4
366 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 14/03/15
    Time GP score
1 David Young UA 18.07  
65 Marco Mion 2nd M30 27.30 47.6
110 Suzy Claridge 32.47 46.8
136 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 14/03/15
    Time GP score
1 William Hobbs UA 18.22  
55 Simon Lewis 3rd M55 24.41 63.1
80 Sally Shewell 1st F55 26.05 67.0
125 Alzbeta Benn 3rd F30 28.32 51.9
126 Tony Ostlere 28.36 56.3
214 Paul Tabor 51.59 29.3
216 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 5k 14/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Bradley Ton AC 16.07  
7 Joe Parsons 2nd M20 18.57 68.5
10 Tex Ryan 19.13 67.6
335 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Peter Tucker B&B 01:12:49  
45 Dan Witt 01:27:30 68.6
51 Chris Desmond 01:28:18 75.1
54 James Graham 1st M60 01:28:34 81.3
256 Sally Shewell 3rd F55 01:50:21 71.5
618 Finished    
KNOLE 10k 15/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Martin Proctor 35.07  
3 Darrell Smith 1st M40 37.39  
11 Lee Lintern 39.59 67.2
13 Andrew Mead 3rd M40 40.30 71.8
14 Andy Ashlee 40.05 71.9
65 Graham Dwyer 45.44 62.0
74 Tony Horlock 46.32 66.8
107 Simon Bishop 48.20 62.2
114 Suzy Claridge 48.43 65.0
124 Simon Rowe 49.26 58.8
129 Anton Mauve 49.57 59.2
152 Jean-Pierre Darque 51.31 63.1
165 Clair Thornton 51.48 60.3
178 Martin White 52.50 55.5
242 Tony Waldron 56.48 52.0
335 Ron Denney 61.46 66.4
339 Maria Ashlee 61.37 52.2
369 Sylvia Lewis 63.57 62.5
421 Jon Copping 75.04 39.7
433 Finished    
    Time GP score
  Alzbeta Benn 06:40:48 34.4
    Time GP score
1 Philip Cheruiyot Kangogo, Kenya 02:08:16  
11726 Rob Johnson 04:12:07 48.8
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 21/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Ben Cockburn B&B 16.53  
11 Marco Mion 2nd M30 21.00 62.3
101 Ron Denney 1st M75 30.01 66.1
155 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 21/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Bradley Ton AC 17.03  
31 Duncan Cochrane 2nd M55 22.26 69.5
37 Rob Johnson 3rd M25 22.51 56.9
57 Sally Shewell 1st F55 24.48 70.5
78 Happy Fisher 2nd F35 26.28 56.8
190 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 32.04 68
206 Lesley Knight 3rd F60 34.52 55.9
230 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Paul Jones Istead & Ifield 18.66  
8 James Graham 1st M60 20.15 79.5
171 Finished    
SERPENTINE 5k 27/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Rick Weston Serpentine 15.44  
96 Marc Thatcher 20.33 67.2
111 Peter Ash 20.59 67.7
115 Geoff Vine 1st M65 21.12 79.9
117 Pauline Dalton 1st F50 21.16 77.7
157 Duncan Warwick-Champion 22.27 65.7
258 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 2nd M80 31.06 70.1
269 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 28/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Andrew Morton UA 18.38  
6 Marco Mion 2nd M30 20.15 64.7
123 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 28/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Daniel Bradley Ton AC 16.58  
5 Keith Brown 1st M40 19.00 73.7
27 Rob Johnson 2nd M25 22.25 58.0
47 Ian Harby 23.55 59.0
73 Clair Thornton 25.47 58.8
101 Sally Shewell 1st F55 27.27 63.7
177 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 31.56 68.3
244 Finished    
MAIDSTONE PARK 5k 28/03/15
    Time GP score
1 Niall Stewart UA 17.26  
18 Joe Parsons 3rd M20 21.39 60.0
266 Finished    
    Time GP score
1 Toby Lambert Winchester 01:07:09  
84 Joe Parsons 01:24:27 69.1
121 Dan Witt 01:26:52 69.1
136 John Stevens 01:27:35 76.4
148 Tex Ryan 01:28:51 65.7
354 John Davie 01:36:24 63.7
436 Pauline Dalton 01:40:20 73.9
477 Simon Bishop 01:39:50 65.3
507 Geoff Vine 01:42:08 74.8
734 Stuart Huntley 01:48:12 55.2
945 Sally Shewell 01:54:08 69.1
1582 Lynette Van Der Berg 02:11:22 50.1
1621 Richrad Thomas 02:12:03 52.5
1739 Ron Denney 02:17:55 64.5
2065 Finished    
FOLKESTONE 10 03/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Michael Coleman 53.53  
52 Chris Desmond 64.54 77.2
64 James Graham 1st M60 66.03 82.3
148 Peter Ash 71.47 65.8
291 Sally Shewell 81.16 73.5
334 Kim Pegg 83.36 59.2
656 Finished    
ORPINGTON PARK 5k 04/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Ben Cockburn B&B 17.35  
16 Marco Mion 21.12 61.8
40 Geoffrey Kitchener 1st M65 24.30 68.0
131 Finished    
TONBRIDGE PARK 5k 04/04/15
    Time GP score
1 Ben Cole Tonbridge AC 16.06  
31 Tony Horlock 21.43 70.1
78 Martin White 24.44 58.3
81 Clair Thornton 3rd F40 24.51 61.1
89 Sally Shewell 1st F55 25.02 69.8
218 Tony Ostlere 30.3 52.8
249 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 1st M80 32.12 67.7
324 Finished    
RIVERSIDE PARK 5k 04/04/15
    Time GP score
1 James Davis UA 16.5  
103 Happy Fisher 3rd F35 25.1 59.7
241 Finished    
    Time GP score
  Alzbeta Benn 09:02:40 41.8
  50m Time GP score
  Geoffrey Kitchener 7.6 91.2
S of E Masters Indoor Champs, Lee Valley 15/02/15
  60m Time GP score
2nd M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 8.94 89.4
1st M80 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 12.21 75.6
2nd M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 29.89 82.9
1st M80 Richard Pitcairn-Knowles 44.30 71.7
3rd M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 12.45 77.1
  High Jump    
1st M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 1.30m 77.5
BMAF Indoor Champs, Lee Valley 7/8/03/15
  60m Time GP score
2nd M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 8.92 89.6
2nd M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 29.86 83.0
3rd M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 12.48 76.9
  High Jump    
1st M65 Geoffrey Kitchener 1.32m 78.7
  150m Time GP score
5 Geoffrey Kitchener 21.86 83.7
  Darrell Smith 04:32.46  


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