Our fourth meeting in the SCVAC track and field league season was our most successful so far.We were only 9 points behind Bromley Vets and Invicta, who were second and third, and we were over 50 points ahead of the fifth and sixth teams, Istead & Ifield and Dartford B.We were helped to this by having filled nearly all event slots on the programme, and by winning three events.




The high point was new member Paul English’s 200m M35 victory, the fastest division 2 competitor of the day, with 26.2 seconds (shaving three tenths of a second off the club best M40 time).Despite not having competed for 15 years, he ran confidently clear of the rest of the field, building up a margin of several seconds.The M60 race was also a Sevenoaks AC victory, despite being Geoffrey Kitchener’s slowest ever time, of 30.5 seconds.Geoffrey also won the M60 high jump, on countback.




Keith Dowson took on the most events in the team, competing in the 200m, 1500m and relay races, as well as securing a third place in the high jump (M35s), interrupted by the need to compete elsewhere, and second place in the M35 javelin.A similar position was secured by Dave Simpson in the M60 javelin event, with a distance of 21.93m, currently good for 8th place in the M60 national rankings.




The 1500m event was a popular choice for competitors, where Rob Carr (5 minutes 29.2 seconds) joined Keith Dowson (5minutes 1.7 seconds) in the M35s, to take second place in the B stream; Geoff Vine dropped down an age group to run 6 minutes 3.4 seconds for fourth place in the M50 race; and Maurice Marchant spurred Geoff on as a guest runner.The 4x400m relay team of Geoff, Keith, Rob and Paul (in that order) were in contention for much of the race, but left Paul with just a little too much ground to make up in order to run down the Invicta team over the last lap, ending in fourth place, which was also our position in the meeting as a whole.




Here is the programme for the next meeting, at Ashford on Monday, 2nd July.


400m women
Triple jump women
Pole vault, men & women
Hammer throw men (incl. over 60s)
400m men
3000m women (incl. over 60s)
Triple jump men
Hammer throw women (incl. over 60s)
3000m men (incl. over 60s)
2000m Walk women




I shall be glad to receive any expressions of interest for these events.Also, we are assisting Bromley Vets officiate the triple jump event, so anyone (including injured) able to help out with this (e.g. wielding the rake or holding the tape measure) will be very welcome, and I’m happy to offer a lift.




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