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Young Athletes

NB. We currently have a waiting list for junior members. Potential new members should contact the membership secretary Kerri Folkesson ( This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) so that she can place them on the list. Please note we are now so oversubscribed that we will not begin to offer taster sessions for new members until they start in Year 5.


Where and When We meet
Club night for the junior section is on Tuesdays. There are two groups: under 11s and over 11s. Each week's training is different, but whatever you do you'll be working on your stamina and your fitness, and the idea is to have FUN.

We meet for training every week at Sevenoaks School. Registration takes place from 18:30. When the evenings are light enough, we train outside on the track. In the winter months, we move indoors to the gym. Training starts with a warm up at 18:45 and ends at 19:45 after a warm down.

All sessions are run by qualified coaches but we always appreciate the assistance of parents, especially with the under 11s. If you are interested in helping, please see this document for more information.

What We Do
In the summer months, when we train outside, we work on Track and Field events skills or jog around Knole Park. In the winter, we do indoor activities such as circuit training as well as working on athletics skills.

Throughout the year, there are competitions to enter, usually against other clubs in the area. The main events for the under 11s are the Sportshall Athletics competitions. For the older juniors, we enter several cross country events and track and field competitions. The Kent Young Athletes League is specifically for the U13 and U15 age group, where there is a full programme of events for boys and girls.

Please click on the blue text to see what is currently on our calendar

Every year, there is a special presentation ceremony to celebrate the achievements of the club's junior members. We hope you'll be able to attend, as there are medals and certificates for all levels of achievement.

There is no special kit required for training, but please remember to bring a sweatshirt for the end of the session, and a drink. Don't worry about buying spikes to begin with; just wear trainers with well-cushioned heels. The club is currently making arrangements to provide all junior members with a blue club T-shirt, which can be worn for training and the Sportshall Athletics competitions.

Minimum age
We normally ask that juniors are a minimum age of 9, but please note we are currently so oversubscribed that we will not begin to offer taster sessions for new members until they start in Year 5. (In exceptional circumstances, and when not oversubscribed, we do accept younger athletes, but it is usually on condition that an adult responsible for that child is available to assist with coaching. A child under 9 should not be left at a training session if the adult is not coaching that evening.) For further information please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Juniors who are thinking about joining the club are welcome to attend for 3 trial sessions, free of charge. We will then ask for a completed membership form, and payment of the membership and hall and track fees (see below) if you decide to join.

You may download a membership form by clicking on the blue text. The form is a pdf file. If you do not have the Acrobat reader installed on your PC, click on icon for a free download. (Returning members please also use the above form.)

The form is also available in Word format here.

Biannual subscription fees include the cost of hire of facilities at Sevenoaks School, and England Athletics registration for over 11s, and are shown on the form.

One final note: please make sure you have an adult to collect you at 19:45  when it is time to go home. If your parent is late, just wait with one of the coaches until you are collected.

Child Protection
Please read our child protection policy which applies to all juniors under 17 years of age.

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