Handicap Database Lookup
One result per runner


Database includes every handicap race since May 1988, including every race on the two current courses (Dillon 7 and Phillips 5). WMA (age and gender graded) scores are only reliable and consistent for the two current courses. If a WMA score is 0.00, it means the runner's date of birth is not recorded.

You can make multiple choices of courses and/or runners using Ctrl + click.

Selecting the top (title) line of a selection field (as selected by default) includes all the items in the field.

Use the browser's back button to return to the selection page from the results display.

Use the "One result per runner" checkbox to get a list of e.g. course PBs in time order (select a course, order by time, check the box), or dates of first handicap races completed (order by date, check the box).