The Sevenoaks Seven

Sunday 13th May 2007

The Sevenoaks Seven takes place each year in May.  It is a multi-terrain event held over two laps entirely within picturesque Knole Park. The race is popular amongst runners from local clubs for a number of reasons, not least of which is the beautiful scenery on the course.

For full results, click HERE.

Race start Men's winner

Darrell pips Duncan to the post

Sevenoaks AC had 530 plus entries to their annual 7 mile all terrain race in Knole Park on Sunday. A record entry from athletic clubs all over the south east, seeing 467 runners actually take part on what was a dull damp day. Even runners from as far as Spain France and Switzerland competed. The race formed part of the Kent GP running road race series that helped swell the entries. The prizes on offer added up to £575, with several additional spot prizes, so this generated strong competition. To add to the fun, a junior race over 2.5km was also held with over 30 young, keen runners taking part to also pick up prizes.

As predicted the main race resulted in 3 star athletes leading from the start to battle hard over the tough hilly course. Darrell Smith (Tonbridge AC, above right), Duncan Marsden, 33 (Sevenoaks, below left) and Gareth Robb, 31 (Paddock Wood, below right) formed a pack and it remained  like this until the closing stages when Darrell, ‘fresh’ from celebrating his 40thbirthday, pushed hard to test Duncan, proving his talent to brace the line first in 39mins 03 secs, some 13 seconds ahead of Duncan. Gareth who slowed with the challenge of the hills came in third in 40.21.

Mens 2nd Men's 3rd

To prove that ladies are just as fit and keen as the men, the entry included 155 ladies, a record turn out. Tina Oldershaw from Paddock Wood, also just celebrating  her 40th, ran the race of her  life winning in 44.07, over 3 minutes ahead of the next lady, Tara Taylor (47.14) of Tunbridge Wells!  Heather Fitzmaurice from Sevenoaks, just back to running after having a baby, finished as 6th lady in 48.07.

This year Dulwich Runners AC held their own club championships as part of the race so they had a few stars out to take the prizes. The Dulwich mens team took the first prize, but only just from Sevenoaks men who were second team. For the ladies, Dulwich took the first two team places, Paddock Wood ladies team came third and Sevenoaks were 4th.

Oldest competitor on the day was Don Aide, just 80, and he ran a fantastic race in 64.25 to win the over 70 prize!

Other Sevenoaks AC runners overall combined results were

7th David Ives   42.47        12th Chris Desmond  43.23     25th Robin Canty  44.51       75th James Miller  49.12 

96th Robb Carr   50.35      134th David Barley   52.23     164th Catherine  Hughes   53.41    171st Carol Beadle  54.05  

178th Simon Bishop   54.32     212th Jim  Fitzmaurice  56.37      303rd David Truman  61.45   

315th Marion Middleton   62.18     323rd Jane Lindop   62.44       355th Ron Denney   64.54  

Junior Race

Once the main race had got underway the juniors were tested over a shorter, but far from flat course. Beths Grammar School ,from Bexley, turned up in force and almost swept the prize board with winners, only to be stalled by Sevenoaks AC, who took the first  3 places in the junior under 13 ladies section.

Junior start junior Kai

First overall place in the junior race went to Kai Cocklin (Beths Boys U-17, above right) with a fast time of 8.01, and not too far back was James Shields as first Boys U-15 (Tun Wells) in 8.07. This bodes well for James who we can expect to see starring in local athletics in the near future.

Megan Annetts (Sevenoaks, below left), showing real talent, ran a really good race to finish in 9.41 to win the Girls U-13 prize. Sevenoaks AC encourage the young to compete, so they have a vibrant young running group.

junior Megan junior Dom

Other junior  section results


U-13   1st Dominic Roberts (Beths, above right) 9.01


U-13  2nd   Tabitha Adams (Sevenoaks) 10.03

U-13  3rd  Caitlin Carr  (Sevenoaks)  11.19

Sevenoaks AC juniors meet every Tuesday at the Sevenoaks School track at 7pm, and the seniors run from the  school’s Sennocke Centre, at the same time, for a training session into Knole. All are welcome.

trophy men trophy women

Above: men's and women's winners receive trophies.