Sevenoaks AC do Exmoor

Just a short twitter to let you all know that next year if we have a running, jogging and walking weekend, as we have just had on Exmoor (Sept 12th to 14th), then do come along or you’ll be missing a fun time, writes Geoff Vine.

The Denyers, Knights, Vines, Pauline Dalton, Duncan Warwick-Champion and Robb Carr spent 3 days at The Blue Ball Inn, Countisbury (nr Lynton) as the base from which to start our daily exercise. 

The Inn was most welcoming, even accepted Pauline’s MINI dog!
That evening 5 of us(plus Mini dog) took off running for 6 miles along the coast/cliff path, taking it easy after driving down. The scenery is simply beautiful to see and boy was the weather perfect, YES it was. The other 4 in the group did a 5 mile coastal walk. All of us got back safely in time for dinner at the pub, although John Denyer was a little anxious on finding that Mini sensed his apprehension for dogs and was keen to trip him up!!

On the Saturday after a hearty cooked breakfast, we agreed (5 of us) to run 15 miles over the hills and valleys of the moor. Again the weather was just beautiful. In fact we were told by the locals we were experiencing the best weekend of the year, so lucky us. 

Jim Knight and Lesley were keen to walk/jog, with Jim recovering from a chest infection, so they walked 15 miles, with Janet with Diane walking 10 miles. The planning and map reading was so good we even managed to meet up for lunch in Lorna Doone country.

There is no doubt running Exmoor is good training and not too easy with some of the steep valley hills to run up. But we all waited for each other and we couldn’t have been too bad at it, because Rob Carr in training for the 56 mile London to Brighton thought the terrain was just fine and his map reading improved no end!!

On arrival back at the Blue Ball we managed to enjoy the local Ale and for the evening we went to a delightful restaurant in Lynton, taxi organised to take and pick us up, so more drinking was allowed!

On the last day, the Sunday, we went to Heddons Mouth and walked as a group for 5 miles to enjoy the stunning coastal views. So those of you who feared we may all run too hard for many, the fact is we walked and made it a social morning out. Mini even walked!

The whole weekend was simply great fun. We had good food, quality drinking and great company. It was not too expensive and such a success we plan to do it again, say up to 20 people to ensure all is manageable. We are thinking of New Forest, Northumberland or open to suggestions. The organiser for this trip was Allan Cheek, who runs a small run/travel company. Allan is a T Wells Harriers runner. He did us proud and the marked up route maps worked!

So we hope in 2010 more of you will come along. Click HERE for the accompanying photos.