Weald 10k - 9th September 2007

The start Andy R

Once again the sun shone on the Weald for the annual Weald St Georges 10k road race. This is quite a low key, well organised event, and the attractive countryside plus the event timing brings runners back to road racing after the ' hot' summer . Next year they promise to include prizes for the veteran runners, who always turn out in strength to compete.

A field of over 250 runners competed, running to their peak of fitness to do their best. The course is probably one of the toughest 10k races in the south east. Leaving the Weald it is downhill for about 3 km with some upward undulations, then level, but for the last 2.5 km it is ALL uphill to the finish. When you are tiring this is not what you need!

Sevenoaks AC saw 10 runners turn out, for their best effort in recent months. The times are slower than normal performance, but on a course like this they are ones to be proud of. Andy Rackham (above right) was first Sevenoaks AC back in 41mins 55secs for 7th place. Andy has gone from one of the back pack to produce fantastic times, just illustrating how running with a local club can bring the latent talent out. Next was Rob Peers, a last minute entry decision for him, and one he was pleased to have done, with a time of 42.20 for 9th place. Rob is a keen pole vaulter, sprinter and road racer, so this event helped him maintain his all round ability to do well.

Lyndon Collins, a class veteran athlete came home in 44.15 for 18th place, having shrugged off the challenge from Simon Hallpike and Geoff Vine, who together vied with Lyndon for the first 8 kms of the race. Simon lost out to Lyndon on the trail part of the race just before the last long hill to the finish, but he still managed 44.34 and Geoff Vine crossed the line in 44.54 not far behind, knocking 1 full minute off his 2006 time.

For the ladies Lindsey Shing, in training for the Amsterdam Marathon, came home in 46.41 for second placed lady. Lindsey is another new local Sevenoaks recruit who has gone from strength to strength training with the club. Sally Shewell, now fully recovered from injury, confirmed she is on her way back to form with a worthy time of 49.20.

Scot Haggarty did well with 46.07, especially since he is in recovery mode, after running the Thanet Marathon the week before!

Long time club member Jim Knight, back to competition, recorded 53.50, which was a little disappointing for him, since he had suggested his son Tim who finished in a creditable 46.54, might actually come home after his Dad! Good to see you running again Jim, more in those legs yet!

Pictures courtesy of Maryanne Aitken. Click HERE for full results.

Rob Peers Simon H
Rob Peers Simon Hallpike
Geoff V Scot H
Geoff Vine Scot Haggarty
Sally S Team
Sally Shewell Back row> Lyndon Collins, Simon Hallpike, Scot Haggarty, Andy Rackham
Front row> Geoff Vine, Sally Shewell, Rob Peers and Lindsey Shing